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If you didn’t know,
Here’s a bit about us.

Spirit Victory Praise Transformational Leadership Institute/University is modeled in its teaching modality after Christian Leadership University. As you will see within these pages there is a particular emphasis on experiencing the presence and the power of God through the Word of God, or hearing the voice of God. This is an emphasis also found in what is known as New Thought and Ancient Wisdom Teachings. Additionally SVPTLI/U also practices, teaches, emphasizes meditation, affirmative prayer, sacred study of sacred texts from the Christian Tradition as well as other traditions of spiritual study. Spirit of Victory and Praise International Spiritual Center is a trans- denominational spiritual center.


A Sampling of the Proven Leaders Who Helped Design This Original Program!

Ron Luce – President of Teen Mania Ministries missions outreach, which each year trains thou- sands of missionaries who win hundreds of thou- sands of souls to Christ. Ron is also the author of five books.

Mickey Evans – President for 33 years of Dunk- lin Memorial Camp, a Christian drug and alcohol rehabilitation residential center.

John Arnott – Pastoring the Toronto Revival – Over 100,000 visited his church last year; author of The Father’s Blessing.

L. Gill – Inter- national healing ministry with over one million books in print. Author of 11 books.

LaMar Boschman – Dean of Interna- tional Worship Institutes, and author of five books on worship.

Todd Farley – Certified graduate of Marcel Mar- ceau’s School of Mime in France, and a leader and trainer in Christian mime. Founder of Mimeistry Inc.

Dennis Peterson – Founder and President of Creation Resource Foundation; author of The Mysteries of Creation and conductor of Christian

Jim Goll – Trainer in prophecy and inter- cession; author of 11 books.

Mark Virkler – Pres- ident of CLU and au- thor of over 50 books including Communion With God and Go Natural.

Richard Booker – Au- thor of 12 books. Hundreds of thousands of copies in print. Known as the “layman’s theologian”.